Appendix 1Error message
Command error
Command error
Syntax error
Syntax error
Invalid separator
Invalid separator found in the command string
Parameter not allowed
Received parameter that is not allowed
Missing parameter
Missing parameter
Program mnemonic too
The program mnemonic exceeded 12
Undefined header(query a
command only command
or query command
missing '?'
Undefined header received
Invalid character data
Invalid character data received
Trigger ignored
No acceptable triggering status
Settings conflict
Conflict between command and device status
and cannot be executed
Data out of range
Parameter value exceeded allowable range
Too much data
Command exceeded 64 characters
Reference name does not
Specified name does not exist
Query interrupted
Query interrupted. This is when a second
query command was received when data was
not yet returned for the first query command.
Query unterminate
This is when the output queued data command
was received but there is no data in the output