Bio-1000F User's Manual 29
Gray Mode
The Gray Mode box shows you the image type of the current scan job.
• Gray (8-bits): Grayscale images use shades of gray to simulate gradations of
color or tonal values, and contain 8 bits per pixel.
• Gray (16-bits): Grayscale images use shades of gray to simulate gradations
of color or tonal values, and contain 16 bits per pixel.
The Resolution box shows the resolution settings. The options are 150, 300 and
600 dpi. The default value is 300.
Stain Profile
The Stain Profile menu box shows the types of the stain compatible with the
scanner you are using. User should select the right type used in the current
scanned gel from the menu box in order to get better image quality.
When ”Green” is selected, the Exposure Time will be set as 2x and when ”Red”
is selected, the Exposure Time will be set as 4x. However, if necessary, you are
still allowed to drag the bar of Exposure Time to adjust the exposure time for a
scanned gel, moving it to the left to decrease the exposure time and to the right
to increase on the contrary. Or, you can also click the Plus or Minus button next
to the bar to increase or decrease the exposure time.
Use the slid bar
or the plus/minus
btunnon to adjust
the exposure time
for a scanned gel