VSC8257/VSC8258 Evaluation Board
ENT-AN1280 VPPD-04670 ENT-AN1280 User Guide Revision 1.3
The GUI will detect the serial number of the connected evaluation board(s). If there are multiple boards
connected on the same PC, click on the drop down menu, and select the desired evaluation board serial
number. The two status lights will turn green when the F340 microcontroller is detected and the
appropriate device is present. Click
Launch GUI
If the device indicator (for example, “VSC8258 Present”) does not turn green, check the voltage rails
with a multimeter to ensure the VDD rails reached the proper levels, thus ruling out current limiting as
the cause. Also, check the SiUSBXp.dll file in the same directory as the MalibuGUI.exe resides to ensure
the version of it matches to the version of the USBExpress driver installed. In the same directory, one
can file SiUSBXp_old33, SiUSBXp_new4000, SiUSBXp_new4040_32bit dll files. Determine which one of
the three files match to the version of the installed USBExpress driver, and then rename that file to be
Main Page
The following image shows the GUI main page.
Figure 4 • GUI Main Page
The serial number of the evaluation board appears on the left corner of the page along with the silicon
revision, communication protocol used, and the port address. SPI is the communication protocol used
and Channel 0’s default port address is 00.
The Mode Initialization box allows the user to initialize the 10G LAN mode. During device initialization,
which may take upwards of 4 minutes due to the microcontroller limitations, the “INITIALIZING”
message will appear in the lower corner of the window. When completed, a message dialogue box will
pop up.
When the communication is successfully established, it should say “CONNECTED” at the bottom left
corner of the main page.
The dashboard on the left contains the Status and BER tabs.
The Status box shows the Host and line side PLL status per channel for the receiver and transmit sides.
The LED illuminates green when the appropriate PLL is activated.
The following image shows the PRBS31 pattern generator and checker.