Chapter 2
Menu Configuration
MS-850 Raster Scanner User’s Manual
2–Menu Conf
Protocol Menu
Protocols define the sequence and format in which information is transferred between devices.
Clicking the
button will reset all parameters on the current menu to
defaults. This does not take effect until it is saved to the scanner with the
Selected Protocol
Options: Point-to-Point, Point-to-Point with XON/XOFF, Point-to-Point with RTS/CTS,
Point-to-Point with RTS/CTS & XON/XOFF, Polling Mode D, Multidrop, User Defined,
User Defined Multidrop
Has no address and sends data to the host (RS-232 or RS-422) whenever it is avail-
able and without any request or handshake from the host.
Point-to-Point with XON/XOFF (Transmitter On/Off)
This selection enables the host to send a single byte transmission command of start
(XON) or stop (XOFF). If an XOFF has been received from the host, data will not be
sent to the host until the host sends an XON. During the XOFF phase, the host is free
to carry on other chores and accept data from other devices.
Point-to-Point with RTS/CTS (Request-to-Send/Clear-to-Send)
This is a simple handshaking protocol that allows a device to initiate data transfers to
the host with an RTS (request-to-send) transmission. The host, when ready, responds
with a CTS (clear-to-send) and the data is transmitted. CTS and RTS signals are
transmitted over two dedicated wires (pins 6 and 10) as defined in the RS-232 stan-
Point-to-Point with RTS/CTS & XON/XOFF
Used only with RS-232. It is a combination of Point-to-Point with RTS/CTS and Point-
to-Point with XON/XOFF.
Polling Mode D
Like Point-to-Point, Polling Mode D requires a separate connection to the host; but
unlike Point-to-Point, it requires an address and must wait for a poll from the host
before sending data. When in Polling Mode D, an address of 1 is automatically dis-
played on the configuration screen. However, during transmission, a 1C hex poll
address (FS) and a 1D hex select address (GS) are substituted for the 1.