Features of MSG703
The fast switching of 0.5μs at frequency (however,
1.5ms at 10N-3(MHz)(N: integer) point) and 200μs
at level is possible. For command and external trig
ger receiving, both are 1.5ms (however, 3ms at
frequency 10N-3(MHz)(N: integer) point).
Fast switching
MSG703 ensures the high accurate RF output level
by ALC circuit (Auto Level Control circuit).
ALC function
The frequency can be set at maximum 11 digits in
0.1Hz resolution. The accuracy of level is ± 0.6dB
(excluding 625 to 725MHz) in "ALC on".
High accurate frequency and level output
Since frequency and level can be set by using ten
key, rotary encoder and arrow key, the operability
will increase dramatically.
Frequency and level setting by three ways
The IQ modulated
signal is output by
i n p u t t i n g s u c h I Q
signal as analog, digi
tal or list data(USB
f l a s h d r i v e a n d
manual) in IQ modu
lator (option) from the
IQ modulation signal output
64QAM output
Waveform of frequen
cy or level sweep, and
modulation waveform
of FSK, PSK or AM
are displayed on the
Displaying sweep waveform and
modulation waveform on the screen
PSK modulation waveform
The phase of the output signals of two MSG703
can be synchronized.
Phase offset function
Since MSG703 is portable size as 360 (W) × 160
(H) × 360 (D) mm and is lightweight as 8.5kg, it can
be used easily anywhere and anytime.
Small size and lightweight
USB host, USB device and LAN (1000BASE-T) are
equipped as standard.
Sufficient interfaces
The easy-to-read screen by 640 × 480 dots, 5.7
inches and color LCD.
Large and color LCD display
MSG703 has the list
sweep by arbitrary lists
of frequency and level,
and the step sweep at
which frequency/level
from the start until the
stop is swept by speci
fied step. Moreover, it
is possible to control
the sweep by the trigger signal, and there are four
trigger modes of EDGE 1, EDGE 2, LEVEL 1 and
Sufficient sweep functions
Sweep waveform
They can be used simultaneously with the
sweep function. Frequency hopping is possible.
FSK and PSK of
digital modulation,
and AM of analog
modulation are
provided as stan
d a r d . F S K a n d
PSK have the reg
ister mode with
fast transmission
rate and the direct mode with generation of arbitrary
In addition, the burst control is available.
Abundant modulation functions
Spectrum waveform of FSK(PN15)