The BIOS Setup Utility
Diskette Access
This category allows floppy disk access with an option of the supervisor or
user. Selecting Supervisor gives floppy disk access to the supervisor only.
Selecting User (default) gives floppy disk access to both the user and the
supervisor. If the passwords are enabled, this option may only be changed by
the supervisor.
Fixed Disk Boot Sector
This category allows the boot sector of the fixed disk to be write protected.
The default setting is Normal. When set for Write Protect, it serves as a form
of virus protection. If the passwords are enabled, this option may only be
changed by the supervisor.
Power Screen
The Power Screen controls the power management functions or the “Green
Section” of the system. To move to the Power Screen, use the left and right
arrow keys <
> keys until it appears (Figure 4-9) . To move between the
categories, use the up and down arrow keys <
Figure 4-9 Power Screen