If the displays are to be stored for a long period of time before next use
(Over Winter) ensure that the batteries are fully charged before storage.
If necessary connect to a 9 to 30V DC power supply for 24 hrs prior to
storage, using the external power leads.
Artificial light WILL NOT recharge the battery. Placing your
Dual Maxi Display close to an artificial light will seriously damage the
display. Only recharge in natural daylight.
At any stage of the display's operation press and hold
for two
seconds to access the lighting control.
will scroll through setting OFF, 1, 2
and 3 whilst changing the backlighting.
If using the displays at night, power usage can be reduced
dramatically by switching the Backlighting to level 1 or 2. To save power, it
is recommended that backlighting Level 3 is used only in dusk conditions.
The Dual Maxi Display can be configured to use either red or amber
backlighting (see page 23). Tacktick recommend that red backlighting is
used whenever possible as this uses less battery power.
Backlighting is automatically switched off in daylight as part of the
display's power saving feature and will not operate in daylight.
System Overview