Dual Maxi Display
Used in similar circumstances to the Turn page, the Course
page shows the course to steer to track directly to the
Drift and Set
Because the boat is not always moving directly in the
direction of its compass heading you need to know the
direction (SET) and the speed (DRIFT) by which the boat is
being pushed off course. Tactically this is important when assessing
when to tack or gybe to round a mark or clear an obstruction or headland.
Your Dual Maxi Display automatically
calculates this information using information
from your GPS, boat speed and compass.
The calculated set angle is rounded to the
nearest ten degrees.
Set and Drift as calculated includes
the effect of both tide and leeway. Therefore
the value will be different on opposite tacks,
depending on whether the boat is sailing
into or against the tide. This will be
especially noticeable when the tidal effect is
In conditions of little tide, this
calculation is very sensitive to inaccuracies
in the calibration of your speed and
compass transducers. It is not recommended that you rely on the
accuracy of this calculation in situations where the tide speed is less
than one Knot
A flashing indicator will alert you if the calculated values are
See Sea Trial and Calibration on page 25 for information on how to
maximise the accuracy of the calibration of your speed and heading