at a telephone company central office, that receives signals from multiple customer
Digital Subscriber Line connections and puts the signals on a high-speed backbone
line using multiplexing techniques. Depending on the product, DSLAM multiplexers
connect DSL lines with some combination of asynchronous transfer mode ATM,
frame relay, or IP networks.
Originally, the DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) was a dumb terminal or printer, but
today it is a computer, or a bridge or router that interconnects local area networks.
Dynamic IP Addresses
A dynamic IP address is an IP address that is automatically assigned to a client
station (computer, printer, etc.) in a TCP/IP network. Dynamic IP addresses are
typically assigned by a DHCP server, which can be a computer on the network or
another piece of hardware, such as the Router. A dynamic IP address may change
every time your computer connects to the network.
The technique used by layered protocols in which a layer adds header information
to the protocol data unit (PDU) from the layer above. As an example, in Internet
terminology, a packet would contain a header from the physical layer, followed by a
header from the network layer (IP), followed by a header from the transport layer
(TCP), followed by the application protocol data.
A very common method of networking computers in a LAN. There are a number of
adaptations to the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet standard, including adaptations with data
rates of 10 Mbits/sec and 100 Mbits/sec over coaxial cable, twisted-pair cable, and