Port LEDs (LAN)
A collision occurs when two stations within a collision domain attempt
to transmit data at the same time. Intermittent flashing amber of the
collision LED is normal; the contending adapters resolve each
collision by means of a wait-then-retransmit algorithm. Frequency of
collision is an indicator of heavy traffic on the network. If the
FDX/COL lights amber it means the port is under full-duplex
operation or dark for half-duplex mode.
Every port has a LINK/ACT LED. Steady green (link state) indicates
that the port has good linkage to its associated device. Flashing
green indicates that the port is receiving or transmitting data between
its associated devices.
The SPEED LED indicates the link speed of each port. If the LED
lights green then the connection speed is 100Mbps, off for 10Mbps.
Push the button for 5 seconds, the system will return to factory
default setting. In the meantime, system rewrite flash to default value
and Status LED halts for a while. Approximately 60 seconds later, the
Status LED blinks green periodically, now the whole system
parameters have returned to factory default value. If the process has
been interrupted by any reason (power off… … ), the system will fail.
Befor performing the process, ensure a safe operating environment