Video Wall Installation Manual – 4WX2H, 5WX2H
Page 24
Rev. 09/2019
For 2H X 5W
Top row access (see Figure 10C)
To gain access behind monitor F or J,
tilt bottom of monitor F or J slowly
outwards and insert Kick Stand behind
monitor, then have back of monitor
rest on Kick Stand. You may also
remove monitor.
Fig. 10C
To gain access behind monitor G, tilt bottom of monitor F slowly outwards and insert Kick Stand behind this monitor.
Tilt bottom of monitor G slowly outwards and insert Kick Stand behind this monitor or remove this monitor.
To gain access behind monitor H, tilt bottom of monitor F slowly outwards and insert Kick Stand behind this monitor.
Tilt bottom of monitor G slowly outwards and insert Kick Stand behind this monitor. Insert another Kick Stand
behind monitor H or remove this monitor.
To gain access behind monitor I, tilt bottom of monitor J slowly outwards and insert Kick Stand behind this monitor.
Tilt bottom of monitor I slowly outwards and insert Kick Stand behind this monitor or remove this monitor.
Bottom row access (see Figure 10C)
To gain access behind monitor you must first tilt the monitor directly above using the Kick Stand.
To access monitor A first tilt bottom of monitor F slowly outwards and insert Kick Stand behind monitor; to access
monitor E first tilt bottom of monitor J slowly outwards and insert Kick Stand behind monitor. Insert another Kick
Stand behind monitor A or E or remove monitor A or E.
To gain access behind monitor B, tilt bottom of monitor F slowly outwards and insert Kick Stand behind monitor. Tilt
bottom of monitor G slowly outwards and insert Kick Stand behind monitor. Insert another Kick Stand behind
monitor B or remove monitor B.
To gain access behind monitor C, tilt bottom of monitor F slowly outwards and insert Kick Stand behind monitor. Tilt
bottom of monitor G slowly outwards and insert Kick Stand behind monitor. Tilt bottom of monitor H slowly
outwards and insert Kick Stand behind monitor. Insert another Kick Stand behind monitor C or remove monitor C.
To gain access behind monitor D, tilt bottom of monitor J slowly outwards and insert Kick Stand behind monitor. Tilt
bottom of monitor I slowly outwards and insert Kick Stand behind monitor. Insert another Kick Stand behind
monitor D or remove monitor D.