Video Wall Installation Manual – 4WX2H, 5WX2H
Page 23
Rev. 09/2019
Step 10 – Accessing behind Monitors and Servicing Monitors
To gain access behind monitors and/or to
remove a monitor you will require the use
of Kick Stands (Part KS) provided.
To insert Kick Stand simply tilt bottom of
monitor and ensure locking tab is inserted
into top slot of each bottom rail. See figure
The Kick Stand (Part KS) must be
placed behind all monitors that are
directly above a particular monitor you
require access to.
Fig. 10A
For 2H X 4W
Top row access (see Figure 10B)
To gain access behind monitor E, or H,
tilt bottom of monitor E or H slowly
outwards and insert Kick Stand behind
monitor, then have back of monitor
rest on Kick Stand.
To gain access behind monitor F, tilt
bottom of monitor E slowly outwards
and then insert Kick Stand behind
monitor. Tilt bottom of monitor F
slowly outwards and insert Kick Stand
behind this monitor.
Fig. 10B
To gain access behind monitor G, tilt bottom of monitor H slowly outwards and then insert Kick Stand behind
monitor. Tilt bottom of monitor G slowly outwards and insert Kick Stand behind this monitor or you may remove
this monitor.
Bottom row access (see Figure 10B)
To gain access behind monitors you must first tilt the monitor directly above using the Kick Stand.
To access monitor A first tilt bottom of monitor E slowly outwards and insert Kick Stand behind monitor; to access
monitor D first tilt bottom of monitor H slowly outwards and insert Kick Stand behind monitor. Insert another Kick
Stand behind monitor A or D or remove monitor A or D.
To gain access behind monitor B, tilt bottom of monitor E slightly outwards and insert Kick Stand behind monitor.
right. Tilt bottom of monitor F slowly outwards and insert Kick Stand behind this monitor. Insert another Kick Stand
behind monitor B or remove monitor B.
To gain access behind monitor C, tilt bottom of monitor H slightly outwards and insert Kick Stand behind monitor.
right. Tilt bottom of monitor G slowly outwards and insert Kick Stand behind this monitor. Insert another Kick Stand
behind monitor C or remove monitor C.