Micron Electronics, Inc.
s Guide
Chapter 4: Common Problems
The system displays the error message COM Port 2F8 conflict during
boot, or the system beeps, and displays the message “Press F1 to
Continue, F2 for Setup.”
Possible Cause
System CMOS has been reset to defaults, and you have a modem
installed on COM 2.
Solution Checklist
Check that the modem settings are set correctly and not
conflicting with any other devices.
On Windows 95™ systems Serial/Com Port B should be set
to COM 4. For DOS and Windows for Workgroups™, Serial/
Com Port B should be set to Disabled or None. For help on
CMOS settings, refer to Chapter 3- The BIOS Setup Program.
If you are using Windows 95™ and the CMOS is set correctly,
remove the checkmark from Use Original Configuration
(Current) under the properties section for your Communications
Port (Com 4) in device manager. Then, remove your modem from
device manager and have the Windows 95™ operating system
re-detect your modem.
The monitor is flickering noticeably or the video is distorted.
Possible Causes
Invalid or corrupt video drivers.
Solution Checklist
Check for high power-draining devices, or high noise devices in
the area. Examples include heaters, air conditioners, other
monitors, other computers, fluorescent lights, printers,
microwaves, or televisions. Any of these devices could cause a
flickering in your display because of the interference they can
put into the power lines or the environment. Also, temporarily
unplug any other devices that are in the same outlet or surge
protector that the monitor and computer are using. This could
be amplified speakers, or one of the devices listed above.
Temporarily switch your video display to use default standard
VGA drivers. Your display will not have the clarity or color
definition that it usually does, however, check to see if everything
appears normal. If it does, try reinstalling the video drivers
specific to your video card that shipped with your system, or
check the Micron Electronics Internet Site for updated video