ASAP 2420 1-mmHg Transducer Option
Installing the 1-mmHg Transducer and Micropore Options
Feb 2010
20. Plug the Micropore key into the
connector on the transducer board. Use a screwdriver
to tighten the retaining screws.
21. Replace the top panel.
22. Replace and tighten the top panel retaining screws.
23. Cover each of the Dewars.
24. Replace the port fitting in each of the six analysis ports as described in steps
25 through 29. The port fittings must be replaced to accommodate the heating mantles
used for degassing on analysis ports.
25. Using a wrench, remove the sample tube fitting from the analyzer.
Micropore key (J10)
Place a Dewar cover on each Dewar before replacing port fittings. This prevents parts
from falling into the Dewars and possibly causing breakage.
Sample tube