How do I evaluate my blood pressure?
The triangle on the left-hand edge of the display
points at the
range within which the measured blood pressure value lies. The
value is either within the optimum (green), elevated (yellow) or high
(red) range. The classification corresponds to the following ranges
defined by international guidelines (ESH, ESC, JSH). Data in mmHg.
The higher value is the one that determines the evaluation.
Example: a blood pressure value of
mmHg or a value of
mmHg indicates «blood pressure too high».
Average Indicator «MyCheck»
This symbol
indicates after each measurement, if the most
recent measured value lies below, above or on the same level as
your stored average value (see also chapter «4. Data Memory»).
If the measured Systole or Diastole is more than 5mmHg
higher than the stored average, the arrow shows upwards.
If the measured Systole or Diastole is more than 5mmHg
lower than the stored average, the arrow shows down-
If the measured Systole and Diastole do not differ by more
than 5mmHg from the stored average, the arrow shows
straight on.
If the measured systole and diastole differ in different direc-
tions from the stored average, this is indicated first with the
systole figure flashing, together with the up or down arrow
for two seconds. Thereafter, the diastole figure flashes with
the arrow pointing up or down for two seconds.
Appearance of the Irregular Heartbeat (IHB) Symbol
This symbol
indicates that an irregular heartbeat was detected.
In this case, the measured blood pressure may deviate from your
actual blood pressure values. It is recommended to repeat the
4. Data Memory
This device automatically stores up to 99 measurement values for
each of the 2 users.
Select either user 1 or 2 by pressing the user button
Viewing the average of the last 28 days
Press the M-button
briefly, when the device is switched off. The
display first shows «
and «
», which stands for the
average of measurement values of the last 28 days.
Blood pressure readings with suboptimal cuff fit
-A are
not considered in the average value.
Viewing the clinical blood pressure average «MyBP»
Pressing the M-button again, allows you to see the clinically rele-
vant blood pressure average «MyBP». The display first shows
and «MyBP»
. This clinical blood pressure average is
only shown when 12 clinically relevant measurement values in the
last 28 days have been performed.
Only measurements that were performed in the morning
between 05:00-10:59 or in the evening between 17:00-
22:59 are considered.
A maximum of 4 readings per day are considered (2 from
the morning and 2 from the evening).
Measurements performed in standard mode and in MAM-
mode are considered in the average, when they have been
performed during the right time of the day.
Measurements performed in MAM-mode or single standard
mode are both classed as single measurements for working
out the «MyBP average».
Blood pressure readings with suboptimal cuff fit
-A are
not considered in the average value.
Viewing the stored single values
Pressing the M-button again, allows you to see the last performed
measurement. The display first shows «
and a value, e.g.
«M17». This means that there are 17 single values in the memory.
Systolic Diastolic Recommendation
1. blood pressure
too high
Seek medical
2. blood pressure
130 - 134 80 - 84
3. blood pressure
Information for the doctor in case of repeated appearance of
the IHB symbol:
This device is an oscillometric blood pressure monitor that also
measures the pulse during blood pressure measurement and
indicates when the heart rate is irregular.