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RX10 Ten-Zone Receiver Decoder
d) Relay Configuration
Each relay can be controlled using a range of RIC’s to close, open or toggle the state of the relay.
As previously explained, “Close” means “energize the relay,” “Open” means “de-energize the relay.”
“Toggle” means change the state of the relay each time the command RIC is received.
For latched (continuous) activation, the “TMax” box must be set to “0.” For “Close” and “Open” functions,
repeat receipts of the same activation RICs will be ignored, unless a timed activation state has been set, as
detailed below.
Where a timed state is required, this can be set between 1 and 255 seconds, after which the relay will
revert to its previous state. As explained above in Example 3, if the same activation RIC is received during
the timed period, the counter will be reset, thereby extending the period by the set time.