Pre-021819d Checkout
Bypass Servo
Before beginning actual spraying, perform the following
“Pre-field” procedure to ensure that your valve settings,
nozzle selection and desired speed range will allow the
MT-3405F™ II to provide the required application control.
This procedure should be repeated for each new nozzle
se lec tion and/or application rate. By performing all of
the steps listed below, you set up your system to allow
the MT-3405F™ II to perform at optimum level. Fill your
sprayer tank with clean water.
use chemicals
until the entire sys tem is completely checked out and
operating properly.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Most nozzles will maintain a good
pattern over a maximum speed range of two to one. (For
example, if your maximum speed is 12, your minimum
speed shouldn’t go below 6.)
NOTE: Pre-field System Checkout is a procedure performed
while the console is in the CAL mode. The Red WARNING
light will be lit during the procedure and “CAL” on the
display will be flashing.
Completely close range adjust valve (if installed), and ag i-
ta tion valve (if installed). Completely open throttle valve
(must be installed).
Start vehicle and pump, bring the engine up to normal
operating RPM.
DO NOT exceed safe system pressure.
With console in HOLD, enter calibration mode. Push and
hold (CAL) button. The CAL icon will appear on display
and red light will be on. Turn rotary switch to TEST
SPEED position. Use “+” or “-” button to enter maximum
application speed. Do not exit cal i bra tion mode. CAL will
flash on the display indicating TEST SPEED mode.
Select manual “MAN” control mode and turn all booms ON.
Turn rotary switch to APP. RATE position and hold “+”
button for approximately 30 seconds to completely close
the servo valve (control valve).
NOTE: Assume servo is plumbed in a bypass line.
(Maximum bypass allowed - minimum flow output to
NOTE: “+” must increase and “-” decrease output. If
opposite, check Inline/Bypass setting on page 26.
If you can’t get to the desired ap pli ca tion rate, you may
need different nozzles, pump, or you may need to make
modifications to your plumbing configuration.
Please refer
to Trou ble shoot ing Plumbing on page 37.
Adjust agitation valve for desired agitation. If range valve is
installed, adjust range valve until display reads 20% higher
than the desired application rate.
Slowly close the throttle valve until the display reads slightly
higher (5% to 10%) than the desired ap pli ca tion rate. If the
throttle valve is more than two-thirds closed, install range
valve and perform pre-field again.
Now is a good time to confirm that GPA, GPM, MPH,
WIDTH and PSI all coincide with the nozzle man u fac-
tur er’s charts. PSI may be slightly higher than indicated
by the charts due to pressure drop across the solenoid
valves, nozzle diaphragm check valves, nozzle screens,
Turn rotary switch to TEST SPEED position. Use the “+” or
“-” button to enter minimum application speed. Do not exit
calibration mode. (Remember, the minimum application
speed is not normally less than half of the maximum
application speed.)
Turn booms ON (make certain system is in Manual mode),
turn rotary switch to APP. RATE position and hold “-” button
for approximately 30 seconds to completely open the servo
valve (control valve).
NOTE: Assume servo is plumbed in a bypass line.
(Maximum bypass allowed - minimum flow output to
booms.) The display should now read less than the
desired application rate.
It is not normally a problem if the application rate goes all
the way to zero when holding the “-” button for 30 sec onds,
as long as it goes back up when the “+” but ton is held.
If holding the “-” button does not get the application rate
to go below the desired ap pli ca tion rate, please refer to
Troubleshooting Plumbing.
Go to Pre-Field System checkout continued, Inline and
Bypass, on next page.