SW 1 (left), Mode switch, short push for announcing current mode, longer push to change to
next mode
SW 2(middle), Range switch, short push for announcing current range, longer push to change
to next mode
Note: Pushing SW1 and SW2 simultaneously will place VM10 into mode-programming.
SW 3(right) Start button for measurement
VALUE TRIG: pushing this switch displays whether value-change trigger mode is enabled when
the first digit display is blanked or value-change trigger mode is disabled when the first digit
display shows “1”. While pushing this switch, push ON/OFF switch to change to enabled or
disabled. The last three-digit displays value-change triggering level. Push UP+ or DOWN to
change the trigger level while pushing this switch.
CONTINUOUS: pushing this switch displays whether continuous (or automatic) triggering mode
is enabled when the first digit display is blanked or continuous (or automatic) triggering mode is
disabled when the first digit display shows “1”. While pushing this switch, push ON/OFF switch
to change to enabled or disabled. The last three-digit displays trigger rate (two seconds each
count). Push UP+ or DOWN to change the rate while pushing this switch.
MODE: short push for announcing current mode like DC volt or resistance, longer push to
change the mode to next mode like DC volt, Volt RMS, Resistance, or Temperature.