Micrel, Inc.
SY87725L Evaluation Board
July 2008
or (408) 955-1690
How to Use this Document
The following pages show the individual test modes built
into the SY87725L. The diagram for each mode shows
the main data flow for that mode. The table of required
switch settings lists the switch settings for that mode;
unlisted switch settings are not used in that mode. The
diagram to the left of the table shows the actual dip switch
settings as they would appear on the evaluation board.
The dip switches are configured with a pull-up resistor on
the output so when the switch is in the “OFF” position the
output is HIGH and when the switch is in the “ON”
position the output is pulled to ground, LOW.
The test flow diagram in the Appendix lists the modes in
order from the minimum functionality to the full
configuration. This allows the user to start with the
simplest configuration and progress to the full