What’s Required?
#1 Phillips Screwdriver
Cutting tool - such as scissors or diagonal cutter
1.5 mm hex wrench
2 mm hex wrench
Let’s get started!
Warning: Installation of this kit into a drone should be done by an experienced
person, in adherence with all recommendations and guidelines of the drone
manufacturer. Before assembling this kit, ensure the drone is not powered, has
the battery removed, and the rotor blades removed (if possible). Failure to follow
these instructions can result in injury and/or damage to the Matrice,
RedEdge-M/MX, or Altum.
Assembling the DLS2 mount
1. Before you get started, it is recommended that you have a clear working surface where
you won’t easily lose track of any small screws or washers that are essential to
assembling this kit.
2. Locate the carbon fiber mount, and line up the mounting hole on the bottom of your
DLS2 unit with the holes on the top of the carbon fiber mount. Be sure the DLS2
connector port is oriented toward the “tab” of the mounting plate towards the nose of
the aircraft. Refer to Fig. 1 below.
3. Apply Loctite to the provided M2 X 5mm (Qty 2) screws and mount the DLS 2 unit on
top of the carbon fiber plate using the M2 lock washer (Qty 2) and flat washers (Qty2).
Make sure the DLS2 connector port is oriented toward the “tab” of the mounting plate.
4. Now you can mount the assembly onto the drone itself. Place the assembled mount on
top of the M300 RTK towards the nose of the aircraft. Notice that the surface is not
flush, so you will need to use the appropriate spacers.
5. Place the 3mm spacers directly between the M300’s body and the lower mounting
plate located at each of the mounting holes. Apply Loctite to the M3 x 8mm screws
(Qty 2), and use them to secure the back of the lower mounting plate to the drone.
6. We’ll repeat the previous step for the front of the lower mounting plate. This time, we
use the 6mm spacers and the M3 x 10mm screws (Qty 2) with Loctite.
Rev 01 - July 2020