5. Make sure reversing valve (if included) is energized
but neither fan nor compressor is running.
6. Reduce temperature setting to about five (5) deg-
rees below room temperature. Fan should start
immediately and compressor shall start after about
three (3) minutes. In a unit with two (2) circuits
second compressor shall start about three (3)
minutes after first one has started.
7. Verify unit is cooling.
8. Turn system mode to HEAT and then set tempera-
ture to about five (5) degrees above room temp-
erature. Compressor shall stop and then start after
about three (3) minutes. In a unit with two (2)
circuits second compressor shall start about three
(3) minutes after the first one has started.
9. Verify unit is heating.
10. Set the thermostat to the desired and tempera-
11. Instruct customer on the unit, the thermostat ope-
ration and the required maintenance.
Record all pressures, flow rates and temperatures
related to operation.
Optional Equipment / Accessory
Any optional equipment and/or accessory which may come
with the unit must be checked according to its specificat-
The commissioning of an air-conditioning system is the pro-
cess of achieving, verifying and documenting the perform-
ance of that system to meet the operational needs of the
building. This may not be the formal process in smaller
structures, such as a normal residence, but some form of
owner acceptance will occur. Adjustments made during the
commissioning phase may include air or water balancing or
configuration of controls and operational sequences.
Air Balancing
The correct air balancing is imperative to achieve optimal
comfort and efficiency of the entire system. Unqualified
personnel should not attempt to adjust air circulation, as all
system has unique operating characteristics. Professional air
balance specialists should be employed to establish actual
operating conditions, and to configure the air delivery sys-
tem for optimal performance.
Water Balancing
When unit is one of many at the same water system, a
specialist with a complete working knowledge of water
systems, controls and operation must be employed to
properly balance the entire system. Unqualified personnel
should not attempt to manipulate temperatures, pressures
or flow rates, as all systems have unique operating charac-
teristics and improper balancing can result in undesirable
noises and operation.
5. Operation and Maintenance
A heat pump is self-contained system that requires prof-
esssional maintenance and repair. Other than replacing
filters and keeping the exterior of the unit clean as well as
the surrounding, the homeowner should not attempt to
make any adjustments or repairs to the heat pump system.
A qualified licensed technician will be able to take care of
any questions or problem which may occur.
For either maintenance routine or in the event the unit is
not functioning correctly a service a company is required.
Only a company with service technicians qualified and
experienced in both heating and air conditioning should be
permitted to service the systems in order to keep warrant-
ies in effect. The service tech may call the factory if assist-
ance is required.
After start-up the air conditioning system requires a main-
tenance schedule.
A maintenance program similar to the example given be-
low should be scheduled for routine maintenance of this
equipment in order to provide continued efficient and re-
liable operation for the owner.
Maintenance Schedule
Check cleanliness of filters and replace if necess-