V 3.1
MHV Quadcopter Workshop
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This firmware increases the update rate of the ESC’s, making the ESC (and hence motors) more
responsive to commanded throttle changes.
The er9x firmware is built for the Turnigy 9X transmitter.
The er9x firmware makes the GUI far easier to navigate.
Like the APM, the radios use open-source firmware.
The firmware is not frequently updated, so we probably won’t need to update this.
Build Instructions
The build will take several evenings. Flight testing and lessons will take an afternoon.
The timing is:
Evening 1
–Introduction. Flashing ESC’s, Transmitters and frame assembly. Soldering of
power connectors. Simulator setup
Evening 2
– Flight electronics installation.
Evening 3
– Calibration and testing. Safety Briefing
Evening 4
– Indoor flight at Dickson College. Simple flights
Afternoon 1/2
– Outdoors flight at a local oval. Training of advanced flight modes
Evening 1
Introduction to Quadcopters
A quadcopter is a flying vehicle possessing 4 identical rotors, evenly spaced around the central
fuselage (hub).
First, quadrotors do not require mechanical linkages to vary the rotor blade pitch angle as they spin.
This simplifies the design and maintenance of the vehicle. Second, the use of four rotors allows each
individual rotor to have a smaller diameter than the equivalent helicopter rotor, allowing them to
possess less kinetic energy during flight. This reduces the damage caused should the rotors hit
anything. For small-scale UAVs, this makes the vehicles safer for close interaction. Some small-scale