MGL Avionics Stratomaster Ultra Horizon XL Owner’s manual
Page 41
The Altimeter
The altimeter measures pressure altitude from -700 to over 40.000 ft. Altitude readout can be
in feet or meters (select in mode and units setup).
You can select between four different altimeter displays.
Traditional analog altimeter
Right biased tape altimeter. This form is normally used if an artificial horizon
is used. You can select the steps used for the tape gradient to suit your
expected operating altitude range.
Left based tape altimeter.
Compact, numeric only altimeter. Used to save space in busy panels.
Four related items can be used with the altimeter. The QNH label should be
used with the QNH display (local pressure setting). QNH readout can be in
millibar or inches of mercury.
Further to this you can use the ALT label and the altimeter units label. This
label will show “feet” or “meter” depending on your setup.
Independent to the normal altimeter, you can enable a density altimeter.
This consists of the label “DALT” and the density altitude readout. Density
altitude takes the current ambient temperature into account. If no such
temperature can be measured (no probe connected), you will see the
readout “Temp ?”
The QNH label and QNH readout (local pressure) should be located close to the altimeter. In
case of the analog altimeter, you can place the QNH items inside the altimeter.
QNH is adjusted in steps of 1 millibar (about 30 ft altitude) using the “+” and “-“ buttons whenever
one of the two main display pages is showing.
The altimeter may have an alarm enabled. Select the alarm limit (altitude ceiling) in the Basic
operations setup menu. If you have exceeded the ceiling, the altitude display will flash.