Super Hi-Q Loop
™ Antenna Instruction Manual
8.) The mast should be grounded for lightning protection and electrical safety. The coax feedline
should be dressed down the mast and have it's shield grounded at the point where it enters a
building for lightning protection.
WARNING! Never mount this, or any other antenna near power lines or utility wires! Any
materials: ladders, ropes, or feedlines, that contact power lines can conduct
voltages that kill. Never trust insulation to protect you. Stay away from all power
This antenna can be used inside a wooden or non-metallic building with some reduction in
performance. Caution must be used when this antenna is used indoors because the antenna generates
strong electromagnetic fields. These fields can induce considerable RF currents into wiring and other
metallic items. A secondary concern is that the effects of RF fields on humans is not yet fully
WARNING! Never operate this antenna where people are subject to high levels of RF
exposure, especially above 10 watts or above 14 MHz.
Never use this antenna near RF sensitive medical devices such as pacemakers.
Figure 5