Super Hi-Q Loop
Antenna Instruction Manual
The MFJ "Super HI-Q Loop" has two mounting clamps that are held in place by four 1/4-20 7/16" hex
head bolts. The mounting clamps accept masts up to 1-1/2" outside diameter.
Before mounting the antenna read the section on "PATTERNS, POLARIZATION AND LOCATION".
The following rules must be followed when mounting the antenna:
1.) The black housing on the loop element has drain holes for moisture. Never seal the drain holes.
2.) The coax connector must always be at the bottom of the antenna when the antenna is mounted
vertically or pointed towards the ground when the antenna is mounted horizontally.
3.) If the loop is mounted
do not extend the mast more than two inches beyond the
mounting clamps or the tuning and operation of the loop may be compromised.
4.) If the loop is mounted
the horizontal bracket must be installed. Use four 1/4-20 1/2
inch machine screws at the base of the bracket. Secure the mounting strap around the antenna
with 2, #6 3/8 inch on each side. The mast saddles can now be attached to the side of the
mounting bracket. Refer to Figure 1.
5.) Always support the coax by securing it to the mast just below the mounting clamps. Never let the
weight of the coax hang on the connector. Some improvement in lightning protection of the loop
electronics can be achieved by coiling and taping the coax into a two turn, one foot diameter, loop
between the antenna and the mast. Be sure this lightning retarding loop is below the plane of the
antenna and at right angles to it.
6.) If you use "coax seal" use it
. Seal
the area near the top of the loop's female
connector and the knurled area of the male coax connector.
Sealing the bottom gap in the male
coax fittings outer shell, or the gap between the black housing and the connector on the
loop, prevents condensation from draining out of the connectors and the loop housing
The best material used to seal connectors is either GE Dielectric Silicone Compound or a clear
silicone heat sink compound. Use sealing compounds SPARINGLY on the threads of coax
connectors. This is the same type of waterproofing material used by CATV and commercial
antenna installers with good success.
7.) The mast or supporting structure should be galvanized steel or thick walled aluminum mast and at
least 1-1/4" OD. Do not use thin wall aluminum tubing or standard steel electrical conduit to
support the loop. The mast should be supported or guyed as close to the mounting point of the
loop as possible and
more than five feet below the loop. Non-conductive guy lines or guy
lines with insulators installed to break the guy into 13 feet or shorter lengths should be used. This
is especially important within 20 feet of the loop.