The CB/RS/MA-255 module is based on a slightly modified circuit of the clap sound source in
MFB’s drum computer model 522. The sound can be manually edited in different parameters.
In addition three functions can also be controlled or modulated by CV-signals like envelopes,
LFOs or step-sequencers.
The CB/RS/MA-255 is fully compatible to Doepfer’s A-100 modular system - in size, bus-
power and CV/Gate voltage. Connect the 10-pin MFB-cable to a corresponded 16-pin jack on
the MFB MIDI/CV circuit-board or Doepfer’s mainframe bus. Supply voltage needs to be +/-
12 volts, 5-volt connections are not required. The wattage is +/- 30 mA, the module size 12
HP = 60 mm.
Please, check for correct polarity! The colored side of the connector-cable
needs to point downwards so that the cable is not twisted.
The sounds are triggered by the
In, RS In
input. Common triggers are
analogue or digital gate-signals of a step-sequencer, a MIDI-CV/Gate-converter or a square-
LFO. Alternatively, drum pads, dynamic or piezo-trigger-microphones may also be used.
Dynamic triggering will not only affect the sound’s volume but also the attack and decay times
is a trim control to adjust the input’s sensitivity to the trigger-signal. The highest
sensitivity allows triggering at a minimum voltage of around 0.1 volt. The input reacts to the
positive slope of the signal.
CB Out
RS Out
MA Out
carries the audio signal. This can be routed into a mixer (e.g.
DRUM-99), a VCA or any other sound manipulating module. You may also use the output to
connect the module directly to your mixing console or audio-interface.
Soundparameters Cow Bell
The Cow Bell pitch is adjusted by
CB Tune.
CB Decay
sets the duration (decay time) of the Cow Bell.
Soundparameters RimShot
The RimShot pitch is adjusted by
RS Decay
sets the duration (decay time) of the RimShot.
Soundparameter Maracas
MA Decay
sets the duration (decay time) of the Maracas.
The parameter can also be externally controlled by their correspondent CV-inputs. Try using
CV-sources like LFOs, a Theremin-controller or envelope generators. For each inputs the
poris work as an attenuators
: The value of controller will be added to the potis. The required voltage for all CV-
inputs needs to be within a range of 0 to 5 volts.
The module offers the new developed M-Bus connector whats mean you can you control
everything via Midi/CV interface or our SEQ-01 Pro drumsequencer without additional
patching. Modules get connected serial, M-Bus to first modul, first modul to second modul
and so far .. Following adresses are supported:
Trigger Cow Bell, Midi Note = #41
MIDI Controller values for:
Tune = #21
Decay = #37
Trigger Rimshot MIDI Note = #37
MIDI Controller value for:
Tune = #19
Trigger Rimshot MIDI Note = #70
MIDI Controller value for:
Tune = #46
: The value of controller will be added to the pots.