Mate XL (38000)
The Meyer Mate XL spreader holds
9 cubic feet of salt, sand or calcium
chloride and it can even spread seed to
extend its use beyond the snow season.
The Mate XL features a thermoplastic
no-steel frame for long-lasting
protection from corrosion. The Mate
XL is powered from a 1/6thH.P. 12VDC
motor with in-cab variable speed
control which will spread material up
to 30’. A vibrator is standard on the XL
model. The Mate XL requires NO drilling
and is quickly attached and detached
from any full size pick-up truck.
Adjustable controls allow spreading of
bagged#1 rock salt from 3 to 30 feet.
MDV Spreader
9’ Carbon Steel (63001)
9’ Stainless Steel (63004)
10’ Carbon Steel (63002)
10’ Stainless Steel (63005)
The MDV spreader expands your choice
between pickup size spreaders and the
large V-box units. The MDV bridges the
gap between the 15,000 GVW and the
20,000 GVW trucks. It can be powered
by either your truck’s central hydraulic
system or its own power source.
Replaceable Tailgate Spreader
T h i s r e p l a c e a b l e t a i l g a t e
spreadermounts easily on most
one-tondump bodies by simply
replacing theexisting tailgate. Designed
to spreadfree-flowing chemicals, salt
and/orsand throughout its entire
width, thereplaceable tailgate spreader
canspread in widths from 4’ to 40’. Ahost
of optional equipment allowsyou to
customize the spreader to fitmost any
job requirement.
Under Tailgate Spreader
An extremely rugged truck accessory, the
Under-Tailgate Spreader is offered in two
models: a single auger or for ultimate
efficiency dual augers; each spreads
cinders, sand, salt or pea gravel. Attaches
easily under the tailgate of any standard
dump truck, yet will not obstruct dumping
over the spreader. The spinner is always
in spreading position and can be
operated with the truck moving
backward or forward. Also available in
stainless steel and direct drive.