Meyer Spreaders
Hotshot ™(38100) &Hotshot HD™ (38110)
The Meyer Hotshot spreaders promise to last season after season.
These Spreaders are available in steel and stainless steel (HD). Both
use a polypropylene hopper with a capacity to hold 1.3 c.f. / 70lbs.
of salt, sand seed or any other free flowing material. Other features
include; infinitely adjustable feed gate (up to 12 foot wide pattern),
pneumatic tires and weather resistant fitted hopper covers which will
keep the spreader material dry and contained in the hopper.
Mini Jr. (36006)
The Meyer Mini Jr (5.75cu.ft.) is an ideal solution for small and medium
sized jobs: walkways, intersections, access ramps and parking lots.
The no rust thermoplastic hopper and internal vertical spiral auger
provide continuos and even flow of material.
Adjustable controls allow spreading of #1 rock salt from 3 to 30 feet.
Easy to attach and detach. The Mini Jr. mounts to a standard 2” trailer
receiver hitch.
Chemicals for Snow and Ice
Except in very light snow, ice melting materials
should never be used in place of snow plowing.
However, in combination with trained personnel
and equipment, ice melting materials play an
important part in controlling ice and snow.
Whenever possible, apply ice melting materials
before a snowfall. You’ll use less, and it will be
more effective in preventing snow and ice from
adhearing to the pavement surface and less
damaging for the environment. You may have to
increase the use of ice melting materials at night
and as temperatures fall.
Experts agree a mixture of two parts mixed ice
melting materials (1:3 calcium chloride to salt, by
weight) mixed with one part abrasive (cinder, sand
or slag) is more effective than rock salt alone in
melting snow and ice below 30°F. One hundred
fifty pounds of such mixture with abrasives will
treat a 50,000 sq.ft. surface.
It is imperative to treat priority areas such as hills,
heavy traffic areas, bridges and intersections first,
especially where snow may compact and adhere
to the road surface, causing icy road condi-
tions. When slush begins to stiffen and refreeze,
it will be necessary to plow again and reapply
Blaster Spreader
The BlasterTM Spreader is a poly tailgate spreader, available in four
models that spread salt or salt & sand. What makes this spreader
unique is its 1/2 horsepower direct drive motor, it’s the most powerful
spreader motor available. The motor’s “Fast Blast” feature can produce
up to 70 amps of surge power to grind through chunks of salt or
sand. The 750- and 350-pound hoppers are made of extended life
polyethylene and are backed by Meyer’s exclusive 3 + 5 year ROC
Solid Warranty. Variable speed control allows for precise material
spread pattern up to 40 feet.