3.2 Base tray and bottle holder
942 Extension Module Vario ChS-PP (2.942.0300)
Mounting base tray and bottle holder (optional)
The base tray and bottle holder come fully assembled on a new ion chro-
matograph. To install an Extension Module on the ion chromatograph,
remove the bottle holder and put it back on top of the topmost instru-
ment. To install an Extension Module under the ion chromatograph,
remove the base tray and set it under the lowest instrument.
Removing/mounting the base tray
Remove the base tray to install another instrument under the IC instru-
Do not pinch capillaries or leak sensor cables
Capillaries are fed through the guide ducts between the base tray and
the instrument. Pinches in the leak sensor cable or the capillaries may
lead to malfunctions.
Unplug the leak sensor cable before you remove the base tray.
Remove all the capillaries from the capillary ducts before you remove
the base tray.
Removing the base tray
The instrument is switched off.
The bottle holder is cleared.
All of the cable connections on the rear have been disconnected.
The capillaries are removed from the guide ducts between the instru-
ment and the base tray.
There are no loose parts in the instrument.
3 mm hex key (6.2621.100)