MI 3121 Smartec Insulation / Continuity
Memory organization
6 Data
6.1 Memory organization
Measurement results together with all relevant parameters can be stored in the
instrument’s memory.
6.2 Data structure
The instrument’s memory place is divided into 2 levels each containing 199 locations. The
number of measurements that can be stored into one location is not limited.
data structure
describes the identity of the measurement (which object, location).
This organization helps to handle with data in a simple and effective manner.
The main advantages of this system are:
Test results can be organized and grouped in a structured manner that reflects the
structure of typical electrical installations.
Simple browsing through structures and results.
Test reports can be created with no or little modifications after downloading results
to a PC.
Figure 6.1: Save / recall test menu
Fields in memory organization:
Location number
Object number
Number of stored results at currently selected object / location