1. Purpose of this Manual
The instruction manual is dedicated to technical staff with adequate training and technical
knowledge in the sector of gas distribution industry according to the applicable technical
laws and requirements. For example staff who are educated according DVGW codes of
practice G 492 and / or G 495.
2. Basic safety instructions
Requirements for the personnel
The operational staff must be qualified, instructed and authorized according the assigned
functions. All service and maintenance work shall be performed exclusively by persons with
proven expert knowledge, including knowledge of occupational safety and environmental
Protective actions have to be defined according the legal regulations.
Designated use
The MQM Quantometer is designed for in-plant volume measurement of combustible gases
of the 1., 2. and 3. gas family (natural gas, town gas, propane, butane and others), purified and
dried biogas as well as other inert, non-aggressive and non-explosive gases and gas mixtures.
The permissible operating pressure range reaches up to 20 bar dependent on the design of
the meter, the temperature range runs from -20°C to +60°C.
The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused by improper or not-designated use.
Safety at work
Wear the required personal protective equipment according to federal/national regulations.
Operational safety
The device is permitted to operate in technical faultless and fail-safe condition only.
Responsible is the operator.
Product safety
This measuring device is designed, manufactured and tested according the state-of-art
demands. It meets all legal requirements and complies with the EC directives.
The manufacturer confirms the device-specific EC Declaration of Conformity by
fixing the CE mark to the device.
The device has left the factory in perfect condition.
Warranty could be extended only in case of proper installation and operation according
to this manual.