METER sensors have a serial connection that plugs directly into the PROCHECK. If the sensor
has bare wire ends, consult
prior to taking a reading.
1. Press the
MENU button.
2. Use the
UP and DOWN arrow buttons to scroll through the sensor list until the correct
sensor type appears in the Measurement tab (
Figure 4 Measurement screen with the desired sensor
NOTE: The sensor version is only shown if the PROCHECK was able to retrieve sensor information directly from
the sensor.
3. Plug the sensor into the stereo connector at the top of the PROCHECK.
NOTE: Sensor units and calibrations can be customized in the Configuration tab (
). A soil calibration
type displays only if it is available for that sensor type.
4. Press
ENTER to engage the live update mode (
In live update mode, the PROCHECK will take a reading every 30 s and update the screen.
A pair of arrows rotates in the lower right corner during updates.
Figure 5 Measurement screen with live update mode activated
5. Press
ESC to exit the live update mode.
6. Press
SAVE to save the current reading on the display (