be changed for each additional sensor. Address options include 0...9,
A...Z, a...z. The best and easiest way to change an address is to use
METER’s ProCheck (if this option is not available on your ProCheck,
please upgrade to the latest version of firmware). SDI-12 addressing
can be accessed in the ProCheck CONFIG menu by selecting “SDI-
12 Address.” You may then change addresses may then be changed
by simply pressing the up or down arrows until you see the desired
address and pushing Enter.
The SDI-12 communication protocol is supported by Campbell Sci-
entific data loggers like the CR10X, CR200, CR1000, CR3000, etc.
Direct SDI-12 communication is supported in the “Terminal Emula-
tor” mode under the “Tools” menu on the “Connect” screen.Detailed
information on setting the address using CSI data loggers can be
found on our website at
The ES-2 can be powered using any voltage from 3.6 to 15 VDC,
but 12 V is optimal. Although SDI-12 protocol allows the sensors to
be continuously powered, it is often best to connect the power wire
(brown) to a switched source. This reduces power usage (although
the ES-2 Sensor uses very little power) and reset the sensor from
time to time.
Example programs from Edlog and CRBasic can be found in our
software section online at
. As with the Serial
String, the water depth is the first number output by the sensor
in mm. The second number is temperature in Celsius. The third
number is EC, in