Conventional Products—6424 Projected Beam Type Smoke Detector 13
Figure 7: Ceiling Mounting
Always install all wiring in compliance with the National Electrical Code
(NEC), the applicable local codes, and any special requirements of the
local authority having jurisdiction. Proper wire gauges and suitable means
for strain relief should be used. The conductors used to connect beam
smoke detectors to control panels and accessory devices should be
color-coded to reduce the likelihood of wiring errors. Improper
connections can prevent a system from responding properly in the event
of a fire.
Installation wire used for the beam detector shall be no smaller than
No. 18 AWG (1.0 square mm). For best system performance, all fire
system wiring should be a twisted pair and installed in a grounded conduit
separate from other electrical wiring.
Note: Do not mix fire system wiring in the same conduit as any other
electrical wiring.
Shielded cable may be used to provide additional protection against
electrical interference.
H o le P lug
H o rizo n ta l
A d ju stm e n t S cre w
(N o . 1 0 -2 4 x 2 -1 /4 in .)
M e ta l
W a sh e r
P lastic
W asher
M o u ntin g H ole s
M ounting
H ub
"U " B racket
V ertical
A djustm ent
S crew s (2)
C ab le E g re ss
H o le P lu g U sed to
P lu g U n u sed H o le
A lignm ent A djust
P otentiom eter
(R eceiver O nly)
S ta tus L E D s
(R ece iv e r O n ly)
B ea m L en s
A lignm ent
LE D s
d ete cw a 2
C e ilin g M o un tin g
B racke t