If regular water pressure in the pipeline is higher than 0,6
Mpa (6 bar) a reduction valve has to be mounted on the cold water
inlet connection.
No device functioning with water should be installed to the
water heater output (dispenser, mash...) neither pipe longer than 1,2
m, as it would increase pressure inside the tank and damage it.
Fill the water heater with water before connecting it to elec-
tric power supply.
During the filling operation open the hot water pipe. When
water starts coming out the hot water pipe the water heater is full.
1. Position the water heater at desired place near the fitting. For P ver-
sion the installation is made below the fitting and for N version above
the fitting (see picture 2)
2. Connect the water heater and fitting,using seals, blue ring on the
water heater corresponds to cold water inlet from the water supply,
and the red is for hot water exit from water heater to consumer.
3. Keeping the cold water valve closed, and hot water open (for sin-
gle lever fitings turnthe lever to „hot water“) let the water go into the
water heater and wait untill full. The tank is full when water starts
coming out the exit pipe.
4. Now the water heater can be connected to power supply.
Pict. 4
High installation
1. interlocking valve
2. reduction valve
3. Non-return valve
4. Mixing unit /pipe
CW cold water
HW hot water