7I92 12
The configuration utilities expect standard FPGA bitfiles without any multiboot features
enabled. If multiboot FPGA files are loaded they will likely cause a configuration failure. In
addition for fallback to work, the -g next_config_register_write:disable, -g
reset_on_error:enable and -g CRC:enable bitgen options must be set.
WARNING: Never write a bitfile that is not designed for a 7I92 into the 7I92s
EEPROM as this will likely "brick" the 7I92 card and require the card to be returned
to Mesa for repair.
Linux and Windows utility programs MESAFLASH are provided to write
configuration files to the 7I92 EEPROM. These files depend on a simple SPI interface built
into both the standard user FPGA bitfiles and the fallback bitfile. The MESAFLASH utilities
expect standard FPGA bitfiles without any multiboot features enabled. If multiboot FPGA
files are loaded they will likely cause a configuration failure.
If mesaflash is run with a
help command line argument it will print usage
The following examples assume the target 7I92 is using the ROM IP address of
mesaflash --device 7I92 --write FPGAFILE.BIT
Writes a standard bitfile FPGAFILE.BIT to the user area of the EEPROM.
mesaflash --device 7I92 --verify FPGAFILE.BIT
Verifies the user EEPROM configuration against the bit file FPGAFILE.BIT.
mesaflash --device 7I92 --fallback --write FALLBACK.BIT
Writes the fallback EEPROM configuration to the fallback area of the EEPROM. In
addition if the bootblock is not present in block 0 of the EEPROM, it re-writes the
MESAFLASH can also write the EEPROM IP address of the 7I92:
MESAFLASH --device 7I92 --set ip=
The above examples assume the 7I92 has its default ROM IP address
( If the 7I92 is using another IP address, this must be specified on the
command line with a
addr XX.XX.XX.XX command line argument.