5I25 18
7I74_7I77 is a configuration intended to work with one 7I77 six axis analog servo
daughtercard on P3 and one 7I74 eight channel RS-422 interface daughtercard on P2. It
includes 12 encoder inputs, 11 smart serial interfaces (two used on the 7I77 for 48 bit
isolated field I/O and analog out) , a watchdog timer and GPIO.
7I74X2 is a configuration intended to work with two 7I74 RS-422 daughter cards
It include sixteen smart serial interfaces allowing real time control of up to 768 digital I/O
points, a watchdog timer and GPIO.
7I78X2 is a configuration intended to work with the 7I78 four axis step/dir
daughtercard. It will support two 7I78 daughtercards, one on each of the 5I25s I/O
connectors. The configuration includes eight hardware step generators, two PWM
generators, two encoder inputs, two Smart Serial interfaces, a watchdog timer and GPIO.
7I76_7I78 is a configuration designed to work with the 7I76 five axis step/dir
daughtercard on P3 and a 7I78 4 axis step/dir daughtercard on P2. The configuration
includes nine hardware step generators, two PWM generators, two encoder inputs, two
Smart Serial interfaces, a watchdog timer and GPIO
The PROB_RFX2 configuration is a step/dir configuration intended to work with
most common parallel port breakouts. Two breakouts are supported, one on each of the
5I25s I/O connectors. The configuration includes eight hardware step generators, two
encoders with index, two PWM generators , a watchdog timer and GPIO.
Each of the configurations has an associated file with file name extension .pin that
describes the FPGA functions included in the configuration and the I/O pinout. These are
plain text files that can be printed or viewed with any text editor.