3.2 Telnet/Console Configuration
The telnet-based configuration is almost the same as console
configuration. The difference is that console configuration
need to connect Broadband Router with your computer by
null modem cable (Please refer to Apendix C-2), then
execute the terminal program. The terminal parameters
should be set to 115200 8-N-1(baud rate 115200, 8 data bit,
No parity,1 stop bit). When the RDY LED is blinkng regularly,
press the Enter key of the keyboard once, then the main
menu is shown promptly.
Instead, Telnet must perform login operation in advance for
LAN environment.
Telnet to enter the configuration main menu.
In general, the Telnet/console configuration is menu-driven
Press Enter to login. Then the main menu is shown below.
Press the number of each item to select your choice.