3.11 Heads Up Display
Your Heads Up Display is made of aluminium alloy
material and can withstand temperatures from -20°C
— +50°C (-4°F — +122°F)
Power On/Off
a. Ensure the power button is switched on (located
under the saddle on the seatpost)
b. Hold the MODE button (M) for 2 seconds to turn
the display on and off.
Your Heads Up Display features:
• Battery life
• Speed display (including Real-time Speed, max
speed and average speed)
• Distance (including single trip distance and ODO
• Single trip time display
• Power Assist Levels (PAS)
• Walk assist function display
• Error Code Indicator
• USB charging function
You have 3 button toggles.
• “MODE” = M
• “UP” = arrow UP
• “DOWN” = arrow DOWN
Pedal Assist Settings
Your bike has 3 accessible levels when receiving, and
2 additional levels that require a passcode activation.
You can request access to level 4 and 5 by heading to
Information Display Speed/Single Trip Distance/ODO
After the display is powered on, the display will show
the current default speed. Short press the MODE
button briefly to switch the display information. The
sequence of display is:
Real-time speed (Km/h) → Average speed of this trip
(Km/h) → Maximum speed of this trip (Km/h)
→ Odometer (Km/h) → Single trip distance (Km/h) →
Single trip time → Real-time speed(Km/h).
Walk Assist Mode
Hold DOWN button for 2 seconds to enter WALKING
MODE until you see a PAS icon on the screen.
The walk assist mode can only be used when the user
is walking alongside the bike.
Battery Power Display
The 5 battery bars represent the capacity of the
battery. 5 bars being the fullest possible battery
capacity, and a flashing display means urgent charging
is required.
Error Code
Your bike will display an error code if a malfunction
occurs. You will find instructions on the error details
at the back of your user manual.
Please note your bike will not be able to be ridden or
used when an error code occurs.
Metric/Imperial Unit Display
Parameters can be displayed as metric/imperial.
To change, hold the UP and DOWN button for 2
seconds to access.
The metric and imperial system parameters can be
changed by UP or DOWN. KM is Metric unit, MPH is
imperial unit.
USB charging function
Ensure your bike is turned off completely. Using a USB
charging chord compatible with your mobile phone,
connect your device and the chord to the USB outlet
located underneath your handlebars.
When you turn on the bike and display, the display
should indicate a charging icon.
Please note if you unplug the phone, the charging will
be terminated automatically and will require you turning
off your bike to reactivate the charging function.
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