Introduction of the New GLK-Class (USA), Introduction into Service Manual for Model Series 204
Minor damage
In order to ensure repair costs are kept as low as
possible, during development particular emphasis was
placed on reducing the susceptibility of the GLK to
potential sources of damage.
The bumpers are able to prevent or limit damage
caused by contact with other objects during maneu-
vering. The foam elements are box-shaped and are
enclosed by a flexural member and the outer bumper
cover. On vehicles with the offroad styling special
equipment option, black rub strips are also integrated
into the outsides of the front bumper. A black under-
ride guard is positioned at the front in the center. The
rub strips can be replaced at any time with minimal
Safety measures
In order to prevent leg injuries to pedestrians in the
event of a collision, a stiff carrier part has been
installed in the lower section of the bumper. This
carrier part diverts the force of the impact into the
engine compartment paneling. Elements made of
energy-absorbing polypropylene have also been inte-
grated. These deform when a flexural member is
placed under stress and then automatically return to
their previous shape.