Each installation must conform to all local, state and national codes. Refer to the national fuel gas code and local zoning and code authorities for details on
installation requirements. The Mendota Inserts must be vented to the outside in accordance with the latest edition of the National Fuel Gas Code. In the absence of local
codes, the installation must conform with National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1 (NFPA 54), or Canadian Code CAN1-B149 or most current edition, also known as
NFPA 54. Do not connect this Insert to a chimney flue serving a separate solid fuel or gas-burning appliance.
Remove glass doors, metal fire screens, etc. from existing fireplace. Be sure there is 12" minimum distance from top
of upper grill to bottom of mantel; see Specifications (Pg.6 & 5), and a 16" minimum non-combustible hearth extension
in front of the glass surface if a raised hearth is not supplied. (See pg. 11 for "Raised Hearth").
2. Remove any additional framework or other obstructions in the existing fireplace opening and burning area. Also re-
move any chimney cap from top of chimney so that vent liner can be installed freely.
3. Before Insert is installed, have gas supplier or contractor run gas line to the existing fireplace. Be sure gas plumbing
instructions [see Pg. 12 & 13
are carefully followed. Gas supply may enter fireplace on either side or back of fire-
place, whichever is most convenient and accessible. Electrical service (120 volt) should also be supplied to the left-
side of the appliance.
4. The entire chimney should be swept to remove creosote, soot and any obstructions (bird nests, etc.).
5. Open fireplace damper. If damper opening is large enough to accept the 4" and 3" flue liners, permanently secure
damper in "open" position.
Massachusetts requires that the flue damper must be removed or permanently
welded in the "open" position.
6. If damper opening is too small for the 4" & 3" flue liners, it will be necessary to remove the damper handle and the
damper plate. Some damper plates are held in place by a pinned hinge that can be released easily by tapping out the
pin with a hammer and punch. Others may be held in place by a screw or bolt, or pivots may be cast into the damper
housing. The latter types may be harder to get out and may require sawing or breaking out. [NOTE: if flue size is 6"
(127 mm) or less, or if severe offsets occur, or a significant mortar slop is evident between the liners, try to snake liner
down the chimney to the top of the damper housing before breaking out damper plate and housing.]
CAUTION: If the 4" & 3" flue liners cannot be installed in an extremely tight chimney DO NOT proceed with installa-
7. If damper opening is narrower than 4-1/2" to 5" (114 mm to 127 mm) and if local code authorities allow, loosen and
remove mortar behind back side of damper housing in the center of the opening enough to get the gripping teeth of a
pipe wrench over the flange of the damper housing (for cast iron housings). Tighten the wrench snugly, and kick
down on the wrench handle to break out a half moon shaped piece of the damper housing, enough to easily fit the flex
liner through it. If the opening is wide enough, the break out is not necessary.
8. Install Insert only in chimney heights of 12' (minimum) to 35' (maximum) -- as measured in step 9, below.
9. Measure the chimney height from the top of the chimney (or the existing flue liner) to a point 24" (610 mm) above the
floor of the fireplace hearth. It may be necessary to drop a rope and measure the rope itself. Be sure to allow for all
offsets in existing chimney. Cut the 4" diameter flex liner (s) to this measured length.