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This sec�on shows the parts contained in your stove, each stove has over 80 spare-parts and, each part is detailed. When
new parts are required the sec�on will allow spares to be recognised and ordered. As a further source of reference please
visit www.eurostove.co.uk for latest spare-part informa�on.
Always use the opera�ng tools provided when
handling parts likely to be hot when the stove is in
use. Your stove has the following parts in the stove.
1. Foot Adjustment Tool
2. Stove Glove
3. Instruc�on Manual & Warranty Card
4. Vermiculite Fire Bricks ( these are integral to
the stoves performance - Do NOT throw away)
5. Flue adapter
6. Moisture absorbency bag
3 Holes for screws to fix the adapter to the flue
liner or flue pipe.
Flue adapter
2 tags to secure adapter within the stove
body. These should be bent out once the
adapter is pulled down into the stove body.