WLI-PCM User’s Manual
User name and password for Windows98/95
When installing the driver and restarting the computer, a dialog box prompting
you to enter the network password appears.
• When using a network, enter the user name and password.
• The user name and password should be set during Windows98/95 setup.
When you log in for the first time, enter the user name and password deter-
mined during the setup. The password does not need to be entered.
• Multiple users can use a single computer by switching the environment. Each
user can log in by entering a new user name and password.
Identification window of Windows98/95
Window descriptions
Double-click the Network icon and
click the Identification tab. The follow-
ing window appears.
Double-click the Network icon and
click the Identification tab. The follow-
ing window appears.
Computer name:
Name identifying each computer on the network.
A unique name is assigned to each computer.
Name classifying computers on the network.
Assign the same name to all the computers when they
do not need to be separated into groups.
Supplementary description of the computer.
This field may be left blank.