7.3 Data and Signal Cables
Coaxial Cable
The IMS-VSG181H module provides one BNC connector for outputting an analog bi-level or tri-level sync
signal, and one BNC connector for outputting a digital DARS signal.
The signal outputs should be connected to your receiver device using coaxial cable with the proper char-
acteristic impedance and adequate shielding.
A mismatched cable impedance will result in signal distortion, while poor shielding can cause signal inter-
D-Sub 15-Pin cable
The balanced and unbalanced LTC, DARS and word clock signals can be read from the device via the 15-
pin D-Sub connector, for which a suitable cable must be specifically assembled. The cable should be fitted with
a 15-pin D-Sub plug at one end—ideally with a shielded plug case—while the other end should be fitted with
a connector compatible with your signal receiver.
Shielded, twisted-pair, multiconductor cable should be used for the balanced signals. Coaxial cable can be
used for the unbalanced signals.
Ideally, the cable shielding should be connected with the metallic case of the D-Sub connector.
Please refer to the chapter "D-Sub 15-Pin Multi-Output" for further information on wiring.
Date: March 2, 2022