9.3 Data and Signal Cables
Coaxial Cable
The IMS-GPS182 module provides a single BNC connector for supplying an antenna signal.
When laying the antenna cable between the antenna and receiver, note the maximum specified cable length
(see chapter "
"), which will vary depending on the type of cable use (RG 213, RG 58) and its attenuation factor.
A mismatched cable impedance will result in signal distortion, while poor shielding can cause signal inter-
RS-232 Interface
The pin layout of the serial COM interface follows the RS-232 standard, and thus it is generally possible
to use any standard pre-fabricated RS-232 cable of suitable quality (D-Sub 9 to D-Sub 9, D-Sub 9 to D-Sub
25) if the receiving device possesses a comparable RS-232-compliant interface. Refer to the chapter "
more information on the pin layout.
It is also possible to use an RS-232-to-USB adapter or a standard RS-232 to USB cable with an integrated
For serial communication with receivers using different connector types but supporting RS-232 signaling norms,
it may be necessary to assemble a suitable cable, for which the cable shielding should ideally be connected to
the metallic D-Sub connector housing.
Date: June 16, 2022