11 Troubleshooting
Our Technical Support team will be pleased to help you with any problems that you may be having with your
Meinberg IMS-GPS182. However, before you contact our Technical Support team, it is advisable to read this
chapter through first to see if your problem might be more quickly resolved with one of the solutions below.
Possible Causes
Possible Solutions
The module is not de-
tected by the base IMS
The module may not have
been properly inserted
into the slot.
Ensure that the module is properly aligned
with the guide rails inside the IMS unit; the
module must lock securely into the socket
at the back. The metal plate of the mod-
ule should be perfectly flush with the metal
plates of the other slots and the screws
should be straight.
The IMS module is not
listed and not config-
urable in the Web Inter-
face of the IMS system.
The firmware of your IMS
system may not be up to
Check in the menu
System –> Configuration
& Firmware Mangement
whether the latest
version of LANTIME OS is installed, and in-
stall the latest version if necessary.
The reference clock does
not synchronize even after
several hours (despite ge-
olocation having success-
fully completed and the
time being synchronized).
If the position of the an-
tenna is poorly selected,
the reference clock may
be unable to detect the
four satellites needed to
synchronize the reference
Ensure that the location of the antenna is
selected in accordance with the conditions
specified in the chapter
The reference clock’s pre-
cision is poor and/or syn-
chronization is frequently
If the position of the an-
tenna is poorly selected,
the reference clock will
lose track of the satellites
that have been detected.
Ensure that the position of the antenna is
selected in accordance with the conditions
specified in the chapter
Date: June 16, 2022