Track down/Rewind button:
Press the button once to select previous track, hold down the button t o
change the track number quickly; Hold down the key during playing to rewind playback, re lease the
button to go back to norma l p layback.
Track up/Forward key:
Press the button once to select next track, hold down the button to change the
track nu mber quic kly; Hold down the key during play ing to fast forward playback, re lease the button
to go back to normal playback.
Vol. up/ Manual selector button:
Press the button during playback to increase the volume level of
earphone or speaker; Press this button for ite m selection when in M ENU mode.
Vol. down/ Manual selector key:
Press the key wh ile playing to decrease the volu me level of
earphone or speaker; Press the key for ite m selection in M ENU mode.
MODE button c ontr ol
The MODE button is used to provide additional functions. To operate a MODE function, press the MODE button
first (the LCD will show MODE) and then press the desired function button immediately to operate the MODE
function. Here is a description of the mode functions:
Memory selection:
use this function to select the internal flash me mory (F) or the SD ca rd
(C) me mo ry as record target and playback source.
Delete track s function
Folder 1 or Folder 2 select mode function
Group number:
decrease the selection function
Group number:
increase the selection function
IV. Power on
1. Open the battery cover and install two ne w AA batteries into the PDR -1.
2. The PDR-1 wo rks on both primary batteries (and Alkaline batteries) and Ni-M H rechargeable batteries. To use
prima ry batteries, select to “1.5V” position; to use Ni-MH rechargeable batteries, select to “1.2V” position of the
battery select switch
3. Hold the
button still for two seconds, the device will switch on and enter the operating mode.
4. Press the button still for two seconds to switch off the device.
5. The device will switch off auto matically if there is not any other button control after 5 minutes.
6. The LCD will show “
” when the batteries are at low power level, please change new batteries at this point.