Setting week schedule task:
Short press “SETTING” button, will come up following screen:
00:01-00:02 shows the start and end time for recording, use up/down and left/right button to set it.
Thu0: The “Thu” mean the date of week, when use left/right button to flash here, we can change it
from Mon (Monday) to Sun(Sunday). The “0” is for if the task is turns on for the day.
There are three options “0”, “R” “-“ “0” means one time execute “-“ means not execute. “R’ means
repeat execute
WedR,, ThuR, Fri-, Sat0, Sun0. Then mean Monday Friday no recording task. Tuesday, Saturday,
Sunday with recording task, but only execute one time. Wednesday Thursday with task and will
execute repeat every week.
Setting day schedule task:
Day schedule task only execute one time in a specified day. Short press “SETTING” button two times, will
come up following screen:
“work: 01/01 00:00” 01/01 is date, 00:00 is time. “work” means the time start from.
“stop:01/01 00:00” “stop” mean the time stop at.