Schedule setting for HVR-7000s:
(If you got is HVR-7000, skip this chapters)
The schedule function for HVR-7000s is operated by a LCD screen and 5 buttons. You can set schedule
based one day or in a week, one day task only execute one time, week task will be repeat executed.
The default of screen we can see two lines: First line is current date and time.
For the second line of default menu:
The “w” means week, this menu shows how many task in a week ( week schedule). The
first “0” means if there is task today, “0” means no task, “1” means with task today. The second “0”
means how many task in a week, numbers between “0~7”, 0 means no task in a week, 3 means there
is 3 days with task in a week, 7 means 7 days all with task a week.
The “d” means day, this menu shows if there is a day task, “0” mean no, “1” means yes.
Shows the day of the week.
Normally the current date and time is set right in factory. But if it need to be reset,
you can do as following:
Long press the setting (more than 3 seconds), you will see the setting interface: The first flash character
will be at the year “2015”, use up down to set it.
Then use left and right button to month or date or time, and set them.
Press setting button after setting down. The screen will shows default menu.