horizon. If the plane is tilted upwards or downward, your launch may not be successful.
• Allow the model to climb to a safe altitude (50-75 feet) before attempting turns. You
do not want the airplane to get too far away from you so once it is at a safe altitude
move the right control stick
in the direction you wish to turn. Once it has turned
towards the direction you want, release the right control stick
• If you begin to gain too much altitude, release the left control stick and let the Sky
Vector glide to a more comfortable level. When the model gets too low to the ground,
add motor thrust by pushing the left control stick forwards.
Important Tip!
When the airplane is coming towards you, the controls are reversed.
(moving the stick left will make the model turn to your right) This is the most important
thing to get used to. Try to imagine you are actually sitting in the model’s cockpit will
help you.
• Do not panic if you feel you begin to spin or make erratic movements with the plane,
simply release both control sticks and the Sky Vector’s Self-Righting Mechanism
kicks in and in a few seconds you will return to a steady glide.
8. Landing
• Always try to land into the wind keeping the wingtips as level as possible
• Setup for a landing by making a gentle shallow turn until the airplane is facing into
the wind
• When the airplane is level and facing into the wind, release both control sticks and the
plane will descend to the ground.
• If slight corrections are needed as the airplane makes its way to the ground, move
the right control stick in the appropriate direction but only for a moment so as to keep
the airplane descending on a straight heading. Over controlling will put the airplane
into another turn which can make it crash if you are too close to the ground. Keep the
model flying straight until it lands safely
Helpful Tip
• If the main wing on your Sky Vector gets damaged, simply apply clear packing tape
to the affected area.